Goalkeeper Training: Trying Out Some Drills For Home Practice

There is no denying that being a soccer goalkeeper can be equally demanding and thrilling. This is why you need a special set of skills to excel and have the crowd chanting your name. 

Whether you are just kicking off your journey into goalkeeper training or have been playing for years, one thing stands true: training is essential. It is crucial if you want to be at the top of your game and wow everyone watching.

But what good will come out of doing the same old tricks as everyone else? While it is necessary to run through warm-up and team exercises, there is no law against trying some training drills for goalkeepers on the side to boost their reflexes and agility. So, are you ready to level up your performance and leave your mark? Let’s dive in!

Crucial Skills You Can Learn Through Goalkeeper Training

It is not an easy task to become a skilled and top-notch goalkeeper, which is why it cannot happen overnight. If you want to be remembered as one of the greats sometime down the line, you will need to master a couple of skills that are important in the game.

While fearlessness is one essential skill, below are some key abilities that soccer goalkeeper training can teach you through consistency and practice. 

  1. Vertical jumping skills

  2. Quick reflexes

  3. Agility and flexibility

  4. Improved physical strength

  5. Mental sharpness

  6. Hand-eye coordination

Remember, if you are thinking of joining a program, soccer camps or private training for goalkeepers will help you focus on building these important skills. You never know; you may go down in history as someone who blocked Kylian Mbappe’s goal in the Champions League final!

Goalkeeper Training

Goalkeeper Training Drills You Can Try At Home

To learn the skills above, you need to dive into the game and try out some core drills. If you do not know where to start, we have got you covered. Here are a couple of soccer goalkeeper training drills that will help you successfully defend your team and lead them to victory.

1. Throw Against The Wall Drill

This is one of the most basic goalkeeper training drills, but you would not believe how effective it is until you try it. It is a surefire way to improve your handling and distribution. 

  1. Start by tossing the ball underhand toward the wall.

  2. Make sure to move your feet quickly and swiftly to take your position.

  3. Get ready right after you make the toss.

  4. Shuffle in the direction of the ball to get in position just in time for the catch.

  5. Catch the ball right as it bounces against the wall.

  6. Reset and go through these motions a couple of times.

  7. Try to switch it up as much as possible by using both your right and left hands. 

Remember, it is all about quick reactions, footwork, and working on those handling skills. 

2. Knee Wall Dives Drill

Do you want to focus on your diving skills? Then this drill should become a part of your regular goalkeeper training. It will take your game to the next level as long as you follow the steps below.

  1. Begin by kneeling at a distance of around two feet from any chosen wall and take the ball in your hand.

  2. Throw a chest pass with both your hands off the wall at an angle that would require you to dive to catch it.

  3. Dive! Then secure the ball and make sure to hold on to it tightly.

  4. Recover right away and get back onto your knees, in position for the next dive.

  5. Carry on with these movements, and feel free to alternate sides to work on both your directions.

Controlled dives and fast recovery are key to mastering this skill. Make sure to keep on repeating this drill until you nail every single one of your saves!

3. Dive Off the Wall In the Air Drill

Another valuable goalkeeper training drill to learn is this one, especially if you want to work on your airborne saves. Let’s take a closer look at what you need to do to perfect this skill.

  1. Stand at a pre-decided controlled distance from any wall.

  2. Pick an angle to kick the ball using the inside of your foot.

  3. Remember, the goal is to make sure that the ball can bounce back at just the right distance to allow you to make a full-body dive while in the air.

  4. Dive and then catch the ball while you are still in the air.

  5. Feel free to repeat this drill and alternate sides so that you can improve your game from both directions. 

If you keep trying this drill out with consistency, you will be able to fly across the goal like a pro in no time at all. 

4. Overhand Throw Drill

If your goal is to become one with the ball when it comes to handling, this drill will help you get there.

  1. With the help of an overhand windmill, throw the ball against the wall. 

  2. Make sure to use enough force that it bounces off the wall once and then comes right back at you.

  3. Toss the ball at your chosen angle, and then shuffle your feet to get in position.

  4. Catch the soccer ball before it goes over your waist with the help of a basket catch. Remember to keep your hands turned downward!

  5. Keep the ball secured by taking it to the ground, especially if it comes at you fast.

  6. Reset and repeat this step to master tricky bouncing shots sooner rather than later!

Wrapping Up

Goalkeeper training drills are crucial for any soccer player looking to make a name for themselves in the game. As you practice the moves above, you will be able to increase your speed, boost your diving, and seal the deal with your footwork!


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